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Can Organic Farming Really Feed the World?
Washington State University researchers have concluded that feeding a growing global population with sustainability goals in mind is possible. Their review of hundreds of published studies provides evidence that organic farming can produce sufficient yields, be profitable for farmers, protect and improve the environment and be safer for farm workers.

The review study, "Organic Agriculture in the 21st Century," is featured as the cover story for February issue of the journal Nature Plants and was authored by John Reganold, WSU regents professor of soil science and agroecology and doctoral candidate Jonathan Wachter. It is the first such study to analyze 40 years of science comparing organic and conventional agriculture across the four goals of sustainability identified by the National Academy of Sciences: productivity, economics, environment, and community well being.

"Hundreds of scientific studies now show that organic ag should play a role in feeding the world" said Reganold, lead author of the study. "Thirty years ago, there were just a couple handfuls of studies comparing organic agriculture with conventional. In the last 15 years, these kinds of studies have skyrocketed."

Organic production currently accounts for only one percent of global agricultural land, despite rapid growth in the last two decades.

Critics have long argued that organic agriculture is inefficient, requiring more land to yield the same amount of food. The review paper describes cases where organic yields can be higher than conventional farming methods.

"In severe drought conditions, which are expected to increase with climate change, organic farms have the potential to produce high yields because of the higher water-holding capacity of organically farmed soils," Reganold said.

However, even when yields may be lower, organic agriculture is more profitable for farmers because consumers are willing to pay more. Higher prices can be justified as a way to compensate farmers for providing ecosystem services and avoiding environmental damage or external costs.

Numerous studies in the review also prove the environmental benefits of organic production. Overall, organic farms tend to store more soil carbon, have better soil quality, and reduce soil erosion. Organic agriculture also creates less soil and water pollution and lower greenhouse gas emissions. And it's more energy efficient because it doesn't rely on synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. It is also associated with greater biodiversity of plants, animals, insects and microbes as well as genetic diversity. Biodiversity increases the services that nature provides like pollination and improves the ability of farming systems to adapt to changing conditions.

Reganold said that feeding the world is not only a matter of yield but also requires examining food waste and the distribution of food.
Reader Comments
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April, 1 2016
Please tell me why Organic Agriculture is a hoax? I buy organic because I know what is not applied to plants or injected into meats. Whether those things are safe or not is a whole other can of worms. Safe or not - at least I have peace of mind. Tell me why some chemicals are pulled off the market after they have been sold for years. So to say that those chemicals/drugs are safe is the biggest hoax to me. Eating organic gives me a peace of mind knowing that I am not going to grow an extra leg like the frogs that were found a couple years ago in Minnesota and was said to be caused by agriculture chemicals. Thank God for all you organic producers out there. And here's hoping that more small producers will transition their farms into organic.
March, 28 2016
Clint Eastwood said Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the american people.I disgree,Obama is 2nd.The greatest hoax is Organic agriculture!
smoke and mirrors
February, 9 2016
First of all, I would like to know where is the proof that the efficacy of organic produced food is better than the alternative? Has not been one shred of evidence yet. scary to think of the uphill battle we have to educate consumers when you consider this whole organic smoke and mirrors scheme that is doing nothing more than playing on the emotions of a few consumers. Not to mention the rather vague 'rule book' on various organic products produced across the country.