The Finest at
Folts Tag Sale is underway and runs to Sunday March 19th. Find the
catalog and online bidding info HERE. See
the Folts Farm Facebook page for added content.
Here is a peek
at what they are selling at the Folts Farm in North Collins, NY (Submitted photos)
Lot 17 Awesome X
87 Avalanche X Hotstuff 94
Lot 29 Admiral X
83 Cinderdoor X 86 Sid X 88 Pro
Lot 26 Altitude
X 87 Chief X 90 Solomon X 90 Atwood X 87 Sid X Iron Pasta 96
Lot 27 Diamondback
X 90 Solomon X 90 Atwood X 87 Sid X Iron Pasta 96
Lot 2 Unix X
Cali 95 X 91 Atwood x Celeste 94
Lot 16 Awesome X
87 Avalanche X Hotstuff 94
Lot 30 Jordy X
84 Awesome X 87 Doorman, goes back to the Roxy
Lot 25 Unstopabull
X ABS Gloriana 90 X Goldrush 93. Potential 20th generation excellent!
Lot 28 Altitude
X 83 Artist X 85 Doorman X 90 Atwood X 87 Sid X Iron Pasta 96
Lot 5 Diamondback
X Cali 95 X 91 Atwood x Celeste 94